Trypsin in a sentence as a noun

In case folks don't know, trypsin is a proteolytic enzyme produced in the pancreas. It helps your body digest proteins.

Use trypsin to detach the cells from the dish and remove them 3. Wash the dish carefully to remove all traces of serum, but leaving the extracellular matrix 4.

Of course, we aren't using trypsin to treat cancer today. Nevertheless, we should be optimistic, we live during a golden age for the life sciences.

The proteins are chopped into smaller fragments using an enzyme called trypsin... That's known as bottom up analysis.

Later passages: LDX was not metabolized in vitro by SGF, SIF, or trypsin, [so] any conversion of LDX to d-amphetamine in the GI tract in vivo is likely to be minimal. [...

In fact they are superior choices to foods like whole grains and beans, which tend to have allergens and antinutrients like phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors. Anyway, any apparent epidemiological advantages to avoiding animal products in the industrialized world come down to two things.

Trypsin definitions


an enzyme of pancreatic origin; catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins to smaller polypeptide units