Trusty in a sentence as a noun

He saw those ten lions, and using his trusty arrows, caused the ten lions to die. He brought the corpses of the ten lions to the stone den.

Because, while pounding in a few hundred nails with my trusty flathead, I noticed that it was taking really a great deal of work.

Or reinvent the trusty old mailbox as a drop zone for drones. Google can't realistically handle all the edge cases so crowdsource the edge case resolution to the owner of each house.

But in the meantime, your trusty old hash-based data structure will give you reliable service. at which time you need to re-hash every element in the table.

Jobs even invoked the name of trusty ally Walt Mossberg - who was critical of MobileMe - to drive home the point that the MobileMe rollout was a flop." Mossberg," Jobs said, "our friend, is no longer writing good things about us.

I wouldn't give it up for the world and am considering upgrading from my current trusty but heavy mountain bike into a zippier road model.

Instead, I'd like to boot up my trusty debugger and go through a sane process of narrowing down the problem, like I do for just about every other class of bug. Also a sane way to debug shaders would be fantastic.

Your trusty Apple II will be immune to modern malware thanks to the simplicity of not being able to connect to the internet, run 32-bit software, or have more than 48kB of memory. Of course the Apple II did have at least one virus.

Trusty in a sentence as an adjective

Even if Snapjoy, which is still in beta, is better than good old reliable trusty flickr, that pricing is a non-starter for me. What I really want to see is someone come up with a one click export to Picassa where I don't have to download all the pix first.

Once these companies switch, Gmaps will also lose its "trusty" image. As long as the competition will keep up with providing easy integration, and API functionality, it will no longer be the #1 choice for the bigger companies.

No such surprises with friendly C. It's the trusty C compiler that you had in 1995, and it always will be. Security-critical programs would never rely on undefined behavior!

If you're putting in two screws, just grab your trusty Apache-brand screwdriver and go to it. If you're putting in forty, you're better off breaking out the Flask power drill and a screwdriver bit; sure, you can put in forty screws with a hand driver, but you won't do your wrists any favors in the process.

I do enjoy these 21st Century partial rediscoveries of the good old trusty Fibonacci Polyphase merge sort. It's like the late 70's / early 80's all over again, only with commodity rather than custom hardware.

The graphics were amazing, the animation free-flowing and beautiful, the stage where the drama was unfolding an almost infinite, dark world and the music so much unlike anything else that my trusty Amstrad's little speaker has ever sounded. The whole game had an eerie atmosphere, like a dream.

On a trip like that, you take your trusty camera that you've shot thousands of photos with and know inside and out, even if that means that some of your photos won't be the absolute highest resolution money can buy.

But it means that a user who is comfortable with Debian or Fedora on the server/desktop can use their same trusty OS on their next project when the device places serious restrictions on system overhead.

Trusty definitions


a convict who is considered trustworthy and granted special privileges


worthy of trust or belief; "a trustworthy report"; "an experienced and trustworthy traveling companion"

See also: trustworthy