Trumpet in a sentence as a noun

The EFF raises money through gloating about the good they do. If they didn't trumpet their successes people wouldn't see the value.

A trumpet can only play one note at a time, while a piano has very limited sustain.

That is not to say that a rich piece of music cannot be composed for a piano-and-trumpet ensemble.

But I think more of us need to be active as individuals, on a day to day basis rather than just when the trumpet sounds like this.

If we didn't have one, I wouldn't trumpet it in a job ad. If I had to mention it, I wouldn't write it in a way that begged the reader to ask "ok, exactly how much higher than a normal salary are we talking about?

Not only does the US violate their own and international laws but to have the gall to stand in front of the world and sanctimoniously blow their own trumpet, it's disgusting.

Trumpet in a sentence as a verb

In fact, Andrew's entire description is so slanted and colored that I'm inclined to suspect that he deliberately set about getting himself fired so that he could trumpet "Google is Evil!

"iOS is stagnant"iOS only seems stagnant because they don't have to trumpet every year about how they've finally gotten rid of ui lag or completely overhauled the system appearance.

I wonder how the photographer would feel if the company that manufactured the trumpet played by Miles Davis had claimed that his photograph violated the copyright of their "sculpture" and the tailor Miles got his suit from also protested.

And when I wasn't occupied with chores or school I found other stimulation; building a large purple martin bird house, flying model rockets, helping with mechanical repair, drawing, reading, shooting guns, exploring, painting ceramics, playing trumpet, and eventually, playing with our computer.

Lest tobacco manufacturers try to trumpet how compounds in cigarettes help protect urban bird nests from parasites, Suárez-Rodríguez warned at the very end of the article that carcinogens and pesticides in the butts may have negative effects on the birds which we don't yet know about.

Trumpet definitions


a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone; has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves

See also: cornet horn trump


proclaim on, or as if on, a trumpet; "Liberals like to trumpet their opposition to the death penalty"


play or blow on the trumpet


utter in trumpet-like sounds; "Elephants are trumpeting"