Trueness in a sentence as a noun

I wonder how the trueness of that has varied over time.

I mean if the second sentence is true then it definitely throws doubt upon the clear trueness of the first.

Slightly off tangent, but how is Man in the High Castle both in terms of quality and trueness to the source material?

Irrespective of the trueness or falseness of this, it is completely off-topic.

Beyond any concerns of the trueness of their rendition, they are a readily comprehended document of a world long gone.

The affiliations and motivations of the arguer do not affect the trueness of facts or the validity of arguments.

I would also like to point out that several old scientists not believing in evolution has no bearing on the trueness of evolution.

The 2nd assumes the statement to already be true, you're just examining the possibilities of how to manifest it's "trueness".. for lack of a better word.

> Maybe this will finally end the myth that "you can be rude and insulting as long as you're right" that people seem to attribute to Linus's outburstsIt is not the trueness or falseness of that myth that has changed, but the mainstream in the society.

Trueness definitions


conformity to reality or actuality; "they debated the truth of the proposition"; "the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat"; "he was famous for the truth of his portraits"; "he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities"

See also: truth verity


the quality of being loyal

See also: loyalty


exactness of adjustment; "I marveled at the trueness of his aim"