Troupe in a sentence as a noun

Check out the break-dance troupe kicking off JavaOne.

This article reeks of astroturfing, something I see a lot from the Microsoft troupe.

For one thing; I have a friend who worked in a medieval troupe, and he taught me some of the basic routines they use with swords.

Pretty much every art museum in the world and every opera troupe is state supported.

Because we're human, we anthropomorphise companies, and G+ resembles a power/status move in a monkey troupe.

"Chitrahar"/"Rangoli" had some hot sauce - songs from our Bollywood movies - which featured middle aged angry young men dancing with a troupe on a massive drum in a forest.

Interesting that "name" universities run their own little micro-cosms of wealth redistribution without the usual howls from the anti-welfare troupe.

Troupe definitions


organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); "the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel"

See also: company