Triumphal in a sentence as an adjective

This article reads a bit too triumphal for my tastes.

I doubt the Strange Loop men had a triumphal reaction to the bathroom allotment.

Please feel free to leave another triumphal remark below this one and let's both get on with our lives.

A triumphal raised finger in that direction is likely to get bitten off.

The thing is, they probably would've got away with it except for the triumphal video talking about it!

If I'm her, I like the idea of buying the place and savoring a triumphal Steve Jobs takeover moment.

The conquerors rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him.

When Roman generals were allowed a triumphal march after a decent enough victory, a slave would be placed in the chariot.

This article strikes me as a deliberate re-spinning of a story meant to be triumphal, making it the sneakiest hit piece, ever, disguised as a think piece.

The measure of a startup's success can be directly observed, but you can't simply observe an overwhelming sense of curiosity or the triumphal sense of discovery.

It instantly became a triumphal monument that promoted the Flavian reign by commemorating the family’s military achievements during the Jewish War.

Triumphal definitions


relating to or celebrating a triumph; "a triumphal procession"; "a triumphal arch"


joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success; "rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day"; "a triumphal success"; "a triumphant shout"

See also: exultant exulting jubilant prideful rejoicing triumphant