Trireme in a sentence as a noun

Do you want triremes, maths, militia or granaries?England has ~65 millions of people.

[] The trireme design is an arguably effective arrangement in terms of moving a boat.

When I'm forced to use detailed knowledge from previous tries I always feel like back in civ 1 saving and loading until a trireme defended a city against a legion.

As a programmer into the aesthetics of code, I find this absolutist view sort of inspiring, though mucking around with steampunk Ruby makes me think that perhaps beauty and fun don't always share the same trireme...?

The Romans troddled along until Hannibal wiped certainty off their face, the Romans retooled, focused around a military society, and learned sailing from captured triremes to beat the better adversary.

Their joy was tempered, however, by the aftermath of the battle, in which a storm prevented the ships assigned to rescue the survivors of the 25 disabled or sunken Athenian triremes from performing their duties, and a great number of sailors drowned.

Proper Noun Examples for Trireme

Indeed, and triremes were lightly built - from Wikipedia [1]: "Triremes required a great deal of upkeep in order to stay afloat, as references to the replacement of ropes, sails, rudders, oars and masts in the middle of campaigns suggest.

Trireme definitions


ancient Greek or Roman galley or warship having three tiers of oars on each side