Tripod in a sentence as a noun

But in Russia or China with tripod and proper camera. This was just ********.

They probably replaced the camera tripod with that.

It's like a tripod. I don't think having a fourth point of contact less than an inch away from the other would really add any noticeable stability.

It's like saying some guys tripod page that you never visit is somehow cluttering your experience of web browsing.

I mean its filmed in very high quality for goodness sake and there's no shake on the camera, so a dedicated tripod-mounted camera? I think so.

It also came with a nice little tripod that we set up at christmas/birthday to catch the opening of presents. Whilst one could certainly solve the problem with a smart phone I've enjoyed having a dedicated device for all this.

Using a tripod would have made this article irrelevant, nobody ever actually uses a mini-tripod when shooting with their phone.

Mikey_p said, "I have personally seen security at the Rock and Roll hall of fame threaten a photographer with a SLR and tripod that was standing on public property near the building." I've heard of lots of times where photographers were threatened by security, even police.

An alternative experiment design could be placing the camera on a tripod at ground level and standing aloof a few feet away. I think just bringing the cameras down to ground level from the ceiling could be a big enough jump into the zone of discomfort for most people.

You can get perfectly stationary, motorized-tripod-like panning shots, and dollies with Luma without any equipment other than your hands.

But is it different from a tripod? Yes, in many ways. At what decibel does your standard tripod operate? What are it's risks of falling out of the sky due to malfunction? How often does your tripod wander in front of other picture takers during use?

Tripod definitions


a three-legged rack used for support