Tripartite in a sentence as an adjective

You see I'm very proud of them and I love the tripartite symmetry and the way they were created.

In our tripartite system it is part of the judiciary's job to keep the other two parties in check, just as is true for all the branches.

Actually, Japan were ready to throw in the towel as a result of the tripartite pact being enacted, and Russia joining the fray.

It is an unfortunate association because I love that tripartite symmetry and I think that particular design looks great.

Depends a bit on age groups but membership is still pretty high [0].The collective point is critical - unions negotiate wages as part of a tripartite arrangement in Finland.

Just FYI Germany was providing training and equipment to the Chinese nationalists to fight at first against regional warlords and then the Japanese until 1941 when the tripartite pact was signed.

You can add your union to a confederacy of unions, biggest of which has a place at the tripartite table during Labor law updates - so it's the state, employer groups and labor unions deciding about yearly wage increases.

Tripartite definitions


involving three parties or elements; "a tripartite treaty"; "a tripartite division"; "a three-way playoff"

See also: three-party three-way