Trilobite in a sentence as a noun

Would be cool if they got there and found layer upon layer of carcasses resembling whales, fish, trilobites ... seasoned with smaller organisms.

The particular structure of the trilobite eye didn't become the insect eye; it's just an example of a more general structure.

That Cambrian explosion is fun when you are programming, but if you are writing a product, you will want to make sure you don't pick a dinosaurus or trilobite to build it on.

If this trilobite emerges on top, whatever language is used to program it might have been terrible in the 70s or for your "existing systems" but it may be the future of programming.

Maybe most planets are inhabited by symbiotic colonies of advanced trilobites 20 meters long crawling the ocean floor eating the abundant sponges.

Somehow the end permian extinction killed up to 96% of all species, including even insects and the formerly ubiquitous trilobite, and apparently nowhere on Earth was spared.

Replacing cows, pigs and chickens with these soulless flesh-trilobites would do nothing to solve the real problem: there are billions of people mainly in Asia aspiring for the Western lifestyle, and the Earth can't support it.

Trilobite definitions


an extinct arthropod that was abundant in Paleozoic times; had an exoskeleton divided into three parts