Trigeminal in a sentence as a noun

Turns out after a CT scan to be stress activated trigeminal neuralgia.

Like you said, it's "evolution", but evolution gave us the trigeminal nerve and the inverted retina.

The relevant disorder would be trigeminal neuralgia, which causes severe and lasting pain, but is almost always a product of compression, inflammation, or demyelination of the nerve.

" My mother had an intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke about 5 years ago, leaving her with severe trigeminal neuropathic pain and hemiplegia.

At the moment, she's in consultations about having a gamma knife procedure that would decompress the trigeminal nerve in the cheekbone/ear area to ease what might be a large trigeminal demyelinated nerve bundle causing excruciating pain.

Trigeminal definitions


the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for the muscles of mastication

See also: trigeminus