Trickery in a sentence as a noun

The part that bothers me is the psychological trickery that goes into this.

The link hover should be sacred, browsers shouldn't allow any trickery there.

And even though this could be made better through some window manager trickery, that feels like hacks, piled on top of more hacks.

These things stimulate my sense of wonder because they're like a magic trick, but there's no trickery involved.

And if you want some lower-level bit-twiddling trickery for performance reasons, you are free to go.

I did so because it was "powerful" but it opened up all sorts of extra binding trickery I never intended.

No amount of Tor trickery will keep you anonymous unless you thoroughly scrub your media files.

I would have died for stuff like this ten years ago when using data from other sites involved scraping, harassment, and trickery.

It gives you an excellent understanding of the subtleties and trickery this cunning disease exhibits.

It deals with software intellectual property issues, young upstart tech entrepreneurs, contractual trickery and all sorts of HN type things.

A particularly subtle and cunning piece of underhanded trickery, once the cards are on the table, is impressive and laudable.

"Deserve" ?Except for thief, lottery, inheritance, marriage, or trickery, money is made when you've created value for others.

They're fundamental because they can't be signed or bargained away, and the reason for that is to reduce the inventive of firms or governments to employ trickery to that end.

I felt bad for Zynga employees who got screwed earlier since that was the first breach of trust by their CEO and it was still unclear if Zynga was something other than a game-copying exploiter of economically disadvantaged people through game mechanic trickery.

Trickery definitions


verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

See also: hocus-pocus slickness jiggery-pokery skulduggery skullduggery


the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)

See also: chicanery chicane guile wile shenanigan