Tribe in a sentence as a noun

The tribesman were confused and tried to calm the aid worker down.

So she frantically ran back to the tribe pleading with them to let the old woman live.

That's the golden mosquito, and a whole tribe of mosquito farmers has popped up in pursuit of their payoff.

You do realize that there are massive amounts of people who are part of our world that are living in worse conditions than this tribe is?

A problem with us as a tribe is that we tend to misunderstand the fact that most humans require conflict to reach for greatness.

Shouldn't our top priority, as a tribe, be to change this?We should make programmer autonomy our major issue.

So, here we have a philosophical issue: tribe or meritocracy.

This is because the women in these countries tend to have the most births, too."I spent five months in Kenya, and a couple weeks with the Samburu tribe during a drought.

It skips over the idioms that make Emacs important and focuses on the predicate tribe-member?The power of Emacs is being command driven.

In a separate statement, the family said: On October 14th, 2011 Abdulrahman, along with some of his tribes youth have gone barbecuing under the moonlight.

We're the little tribe living on the little island that's quietly being protected by the corrupt government of a minor power in the universal state of nations and empires that we just are now learning about.

Tribe definitions


a social division of (usually preliterate) people

See also: folk


a federation (as of American Indians)


(biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily


group of people related by blood or marriage

See also: kindred clan