Triage in a sentence as a noun

I've enrolled in an EMT course to learn basic triage and treatment.

From a triage point of view, Ruby/RoR is excellent.

Emergency responders could inject this at the point of triage and then hold them in 'stasis.

Where are they anyway?I perform triage on my work Inbox several times a day, even on weekends.

Like any other software project, they must have had thousands of issues and limited resources to fix them, so they had to triage.

The operator essentially does triage over the phone, and advises what intervention the caller should engage in. They are not just there as dial-an-ambulance.

Every once in a while we might miss something out of the thousands of invalid reports we receive every month, and we made a mistake in the triage of this bug.

[2]The doctors trying to set up triage spots and infirmaries are stopped as per orders of Ministry of Health, which decreed today all the doctors that triaged protesters on field will be investigated.

Triage definitions


sorting and allocating aid on the basis of need for or likely benefit from medical treatment or food