Tress in a sentence as a noun

Do I line the driveway with sugar maples or cypress tress?

But most importantly, let it climb some tress, they love it - even more if it has fruits or seeds.

So, say, you're into datastrucures, read the paper that brought Red-black tress by Rudolf Bayer.

I think it's just a convention for how to represent concrete syntax tress as Rust abstract datatypes.

They're also susceptible to different things; wind and tress for above-ground, earthquakes?

I'm sure that the atheism and tress subreddits are offensive to somebody, but offensiveness of speech isn't the issue here.

They also keep the area under our apple tress fairly clear for us, eating all the insects that otherwise would be in our trees, and keeping the mice away.

There are two articles that are linked to in the text, one that describes comparisons of binary tress, self-adjusting tress, and hash tables.

Some examples:IQueryabe and expression tress let you write expressive queries that run on the database but have compile-type checking.

You must be from the school of re-inventing the wheel... most things that need to be coded have been done before by someone else and quite well... No one chops down their own tress when they want to build a deck.

The long-standing orchards in places where you should actually grow nut tress -- Glenn, Tehama, Butte, Sutter, Colusa counties -- are the ones that are very old and they aren't in danger because water falls in those places.

You might get lucky, you might also get saddled with a $30+K piece of paper and no marketable skills, in which case you'd have been no better off working as a waiter/tress or whatever and working towards something better on your own terms.

Generating the energy for desalination and pumping it inland would release massive amounts of carbon back into the atmosphere, necessitating more tress, necessitating more water, and so on.

Tress definitions


a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair

See also: braid plait twist