Tremble in a sentence as a noun

The best thing to do is play like you don't care, so you dont tremble nor doubt to make plays.

The word "slony" still makes me tremble in fear, even years after I last used it.

Then I don't tremble, I only tremble when I gotta keep my hand still in free space.

Our hands tremble; they don't stay steady like a robot's mechanical arm.

That they were the natural rulers of the world and everyone else should tremble before them.

Tremble in a sentence as a verb

My fingers tremble at the thought of mixing this with Firefox's completion and the Pentadactyl command line.

Sadly, we're the culture that produced Oprah and turned her into a media mogul powerful enough to make the foundations of the earth tremble.

We tremble in fear...In all seriousness though, the EU does not currently extend to defense; it is currently only a political and economic union.

I peddle down the street, With a subtle tremble at my feet, Gazing at what's ahead, My mind tired and eyes red, I want to pull away, But must push for today, Before eyes weave shut, And trails leave no trace.

To be figuring out the world, positing ideas and learning about where they take you and how to communicate and convince and argue and wax and eulogize, these are valuable things to learn at any age. Let Apple and Samsung tremble before a critique written with passion and determination long before any such fire is quenched, we are always free to be our own filters for taste.

Tremble definitions


a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement

See also: shiver shake


move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways; "His hands were trembling when he signed the document"