Treetop in a sentence as a noun

All they'd need is one ******* pilot flying at treetop height to span a gap of 35 miles.

Sure there are, kpeg, citrus, treetop... Probably more I don't know about.

There's treetop, kpeg and a bunch of other stuff but I prefer writing my parsers by hand.

Really enjoyed the read, but I don't understand the line about going from 500km/h - 1000km/h in 5 seconds... treetop level or otherwise.\nIs that really possible?

Hyperloop would be travelling as fast as a subsonic military jet and at treetop-skimming height, you would definitely get a migraine.

Project Pluto's nuclear ramjet bomber/missile sounds like it came from the imagination of a science fiction novelist or a screenwriter:a locomotive-size missile that would travel at near-treetop level at three times the speed of sound, tossing out hydrogen bombs as it roared overhead.

Proper Noun Examples for Treetop

Treetop is great - I have previously written parsers using yacc and lex, and I found treetop to be around about 2 orders of magnitude more productive.

Treetop definitions


the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant

See also: crown