Treated in a sentence as an adjective

We weren't treated like children, but like small adults.

The wise move would be to make sure that she's fully satisfied with the way they treated her.

One head in particular treated the thing as a near-existential threat.

I remember being excited when Larry Tessler was hired, and dismayed at the way he was treated.

As soon as it was decided that accusations of "terrorism" could be treated this way, the seed was sown.

We have written representations from you that he was a FTE, and you treated him as a FTE, for example in attempting to control his working hours.

Microsoft was weird in a sort of cult like way, and had its own management problems, but was much more enjoyable... and really treated their employees a whole lot better.

Why should science fair projects be treated any differently than crime, the personal lives of celebrities, politics, or economics?

We didn't treat him as badly as we could have, as we've treated some other people, but I think trying to recast ourselves as "family" is incredibly disrespectful of his actual family who lost their child.

> If free citizens of free countries can't live in freedom because of fear of terrorists, the terrorists have already wonAs a dark-skinned man who oftentimes sports a beard, I'm treated like a terrorist every single time I walk through security.

This particular conference had an amazing volunteer crew that had been together for years, many of whom had serious day jobs: brilliant designers, high-tech executives, etc. Knowing that the volunteers were gems, I knew that how the famous conference speakers treated them was all about the speakers.

Treated definitions


subjected to a physical (or chemical) treatment or action or agent; "the sludge of treated sewage can be used as fertilizer"; "treated timbers resist rot"; "treated fabrics resist wrinkling"


given medical care or treatment; "a treated cold is usually gone in 14 days; if left untreated it lasts two weeks"


made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment; "a sword of tempered steel"; "tempered glass"

See also: tempered hardened toughened