Trave in a sentence as a noun

It's fine to trave by train if it takes less than 12 hours.

While I prefer to travel for longer periods of time, I certainly will not knock a two week trip through Europe.

It's easier to justify and amortize the time to travel to a far-off destination for Europeans who have double the number of vacation days.

Nice side project!A dual citizenship feature might be a nice touch - for instance travelling to Brazil is easier on a European passport than an Australian.

“So far, you’ve concentrated on things that might benefit our distant successors” ... “space trave, cancer treatments, AI”I would hope we’re going to make large strides in these in his lifetime.

Yes, the proportion of US residents traveling overseas is probably lower than other developed nations.

Here's a sample from the Markov Chain model operating on 4-grams: Ther deat is more; for in thers that undiscorns the unwortune, the pangs against a life, the law's we know no trave, the hear, thers thus pause.

Just a correction: Venezuelan citizens can travel as tourists to the United Kingdom without the need of a visa, it is only necessary to obtain a visa if you do not have a biometric passport.

Trave definitions


a horizontal beam that extends across something

See also: traverse crossbeam crosspiece