Transversal in a sentence as an adjective

This is why there's such a focus on 'transversal' skills these days.

I can do huge transversal changes, and I don't find ot tedious at all.

There is no "spiral of a light wave" lol. If anything, I'd think of transversal movement.

So their is a security benefit in addition to the NAT transversal.

While pretty enough, they never quite got the NAT transversal stuff nailed, so it looks like files are just uploaded in the clear to their server.

To reduce dom transversal you should assign selectors to variables.

The NAT transversal really makes a different and very easy reverse workflow possible.

Pootch was asked to implement a doubly linked list, ie a linked list with axillary pointers that allows an alternative transversal.

You might need to write accessors, iteration, transversal, searches, serialisation, merging, and a whole bunch of other things you get for free with a data structure.

"Ivy Bridge" and "Skylake" evoke images of fantastical locations—chasms transversal only by green bridges woven of ivy, or serene bodies of water that float among the clouds.

I worked for a big European software company, there was a deep culture of never blaming people, so any postmortem inevitably ended with a new process or training or transversal synergy coordinators, when sometimes the root cause was just bad developers

Transversal definitions


extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon"

See also: transverse thwartwise