Transmute in a sentence as a verb

You can transmute on the order of 1 atom of it per 100 fission events [2].

That was dumb, but does it really transmute a tort into a felony?

I hereby claim that I can teach you how to transmute lead to gold by waving your hands.

The question is, can we transmute factory workers?

For example it's really hard to transmute one chemical element from another, and many are rare, so why not pick one to use for coins?

The only place with high enough neutron fluxes to transmute a significant amount of Thorium?

It is my observation that in our advancements, we dilute our power to transmute our problems into solutions.

We know it's possible to transmute elements into gold, but doing it on a scale capable of disrupting the market is beyond our reach currently.

If one could wave a magic wand and transmute the US to the Canadian system, US government health care expenditures would actually fall, and taxed could be lowered.

Middle management decides how to transmute that into the lower management community.

> is it really inappropriate to use text for certain types of communicationNo, this is just one curmudgeon waving a magic wand to transmute his subjective pet peeve into an objective cultural truism.

The problem with runescape at the time was that the economy started to revolve around using alchemy to transmute mainly items into gold, adding new money to the system, and each step along the way was incredibly repetitive and easily bottable, resulting in a feedback loop.

Transmute definitions


change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle"

See also: transform metamorphose


change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another"

See also: transform transubstantiate


alter the nature of (elements)