Transmittable in a sentence as an adjective

Yes, but knowledge about code is very transmittable.

Most Americans don't view oral sex as sexual contact, and yet, most STIs are transmittable from it.

I've read a large percentage is users with sexual transmittable deceases and thus the photos are their private parts.

You can certainly claim copyright on sculptures, such as the Angel of The North, and on buildings which are not "transmittable" to any useful degree.

It's just that software has the luxury of being transmittable electronically.

For example, right now there is a transmittable cancer tearing through the Tasmanian ***** population.

The combination of dedicated workers, open floor plan and travel seemed to bring in just about every kind of transmittable disease possible.

It would seem prudent to assume Ebola is transmittable in aerosol form, and it astounds me that we're approaching Ebola with what seems to be astounding optimism.

Someone posted an article here on HN once which talked about how peoples general dispositions was transmittable to people up to two or three degrees of separation from yourself.

Every cancerous mutation is an opportunity for a transmittable cancer to pop into existence.

FTA: Valderrama doesn't recommend eating the meat, in case it is infected with a transmittable disease - one dead hippo was found to be carrying leptospirosis which can cause meningitis

No amount of money thrown at a problem will fix it in the long term without the local institutional capital, and a shared and transmittable wordview that keeps it alive across generations.

There has definitely been backlash against the unnecessarilly scare-mongering of the earlier swine flu coverage- but, it is worth taking notice because of how easily transmittable it is.

In reality though humans are actively manipulating this virus in a laboratory environment and are able to select strains that are deadly enough, but not too deadly, also transmittable enough.

Evidence would be statistically significant instances of characteristics, not transmittable through any other mechanism , verified against a control group.

Can anyone give me an idea on what would happen if Ebola ever did get airborne?I know that its high mortality rate is a massive curb on its ability to spread, but is that enough to put a dampener on spread if it became more easily transmittable?

Transmittable definitions


(of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection

See also: catching communicable contagious contractable transmissible