Transference in a sentence as a noun

If one starts with star-R to begin with, then why does one need the transference theorems?

The GPL talks about a lot of transference of rights that take place during the act of distribution.

I think you are right about the brand transference, although to be perfectly honest, we hadn't thought it out that far.

The argument you will get is the rationality of transference.

So who knows, you might see some sort of transference of credibility via magical thinking, in that both involve cold.

I think it is perpetuated by the blog/youtube style programming knowledge transference paradigm.

On NYTimes they indicate that Pig -> Monkey transference was possible then the Monkeys all had to be euthanized to "contain the outbreak".

So presumably you're making capillaries open up and increase heat transference over the skin threshold.

Seems like a bad idea especially considering the lack of transference to other fields and growing automation.

Standing to sue should be on that basis; transference of rights to another entity should not whitewash that socio-economic responsibility.

"Things it won't do: Utilize iPod Out, a relatively little used feature that allows transference of the iPod or iPhones music controls to an external screen or buttons, like the one in a car or on some home audio systems.

After all, there may be systemic "microaggressions" as you state, but would you claim that someone reacting disproportionally to them should be absolved of the professional responsibilities to which they committed themselves?How far does your logic of transference extend?

Whenever I stumble across someone arguing about the transference of genetic material and how one method is "more natural" than the other, I can't help but walk away with the feeling that the author is working from a series of fundamental misunderstandings of genetic science.

I guess I was watching a different movie, because I saw:- advanced handheld medical scanners and treatments- a genetically engineered human with super strength, health, and intelligence- suspended animation that keeps humans alive for centuries- artificial gravity- faster than light communication and travel- materials strong enough to maintain structural integrity after falling from space and plowing through a city- matter transference across light yearsI think the issue here is that author only paid attention to the elements that seem familiar, and dismissed the rest as fantasy.

Transference definitions


(psychoanalysis) the process whereby emotions are passed on or displaced from one person to another; during psychoanalysis the displacement of feelings toward others (usually the parents) is onto the analyst


transferring ownership

See also: transfer


the act of transfering something from one form to another; "the transfer of the music from record to tape suppressed much of the background noise"

See also: transfer