Transdermal in a sentence as an adjective

This is called a transdermal implant. It basically has a broader bottom than it has on the sides, kind of like a cufflink.

The hardest part for me to believe isn't the transdermal application. I've definitely known of people who who handled *** and learned to wear gloves the hard way.

I have no idea how long *** would last on a surface, but I do know transdermal absorption is a thing. A friend of mine in college had it happen, but but he was handling sheets with several hundred doses on them.

For the past week, I weaned myself of the Ritalin, and I bought transdermal nicotine patches. Bear in mind that I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, and none of my immediate family members smoke!

Also fentanyl isn't the only transdermal medication that exists. It's not even the most common.

It would probably be horrible to have to take transdermal scopolamine fairly continually, though.

This is not an issue in a controlled medical setting, nor with the transdermal patches that are typically used in outpatient. > There would not be much of a black market for it if physicians and pharma were not getting people addicted.

You can absolutely trip from a transdermal dose. The kind of prying and jimmying required to disassemble a vintage synth unit could easily spread any film or sludge all over a significant part of a person's hands without gloves.

The only downside for transdermal diagnosis is the lack of consumables, which makes it a tough market to enter and to be funded for. That is an area that's good for Apple as they are already selling the platform, so this would be a feature that would add to sales.

Battle ready Gundam with full panoply of armaments and transdermal neural interface, that changes by markov frequency.

Fortunately this might be easy to test given that transdermal nicotine patches can deliver nicotine without the associated smoke, tar, morning cough, etc. that the article mentions in passing.

Over time, if one continues to use methanol based cosmetics, they are effectively mini/micro dosing a toxin daily, by transdermal means. [4] Sure, for most cosmetics, whether it be hair spray, lotion, or deodorant, it is a rather small dose of methanol, but why consume toxins even in small amounts, if avoidable?

Eg: Build a medical laser for transdermal drug delivery then find applications in dental work and scar tissue removal. Eg: Design a flexible heterogeneous compute cluster for hpc application, then get customers who want it for the low administration cost.

Drinking coffee or using transdermal or vaporized nicotine solution could offer the benefits without the health risks of inhaling tars and the carcinogenic products of combustion.

Creating an instant release generic is nowhere near as difficult as producing an extended release or transdermal formulation. The FDA recently pulled a 300mg generic bupropion generic because the extended release formation produced nowhere near what the branded medication did.

> the way to bypass the liver is to use suppositories Or transdermal or intranasal or sublingual or through the lungs or ... But I think the issue here is that the blood-brain barrier is actively pumping it back out, not immediate liver metabolism.

Any fluid facilitates the trasfer, but the researchers state: "The dermal penetration enhancing chemicals present in personal care products as well as hand sanitizers cause a breakdown of the dermal barrier leading to an increase in transdermal absorption"

Transdermal definitions


through the unbroken skin; refers to medications applied directly to the skin (creams or ointments) or in time-release forms (skin patches); "transdermal estrogen"; "percutaneous absorption"

See also: transdermic percutaneous transcutaneous