Tradition in a sentence as a noun

I invented nothing, I just tried to keep working in the great tradition of unix and share the implementation of ideas.

We've sort of had a tradition of that kind of very politically incorrect and absurdist humor here at least since the mid 90s.

It slays me that "tradition" is so important to people that they will waste such vast amounts of money and prop up such a gross, violent industry in the face of reason.

The present education conventions fade from their minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.

From 100k feet, Facebook's adoption of Thrift, and Thrift's tradition of supporting polyglot languages, means that a lot of "niche" languages can flourish within the larger production ecosystem.

By the time you were old enough to consider the possibility that diamond-giving is a dumb and arguably immoral tradition, you'd already spend 15 or 20 or 25 years wanting one.

NYTimes:"Muslim tradition requires burial within 24 hours, but by doing it at sea, American authorities presumably were trying to avoid creating a shrine for his followers.

The funny thing is he didn't write the app, oh no, some NCO years before him had written it and like some odd cultural tradition handed down for generations every NCO after him just progressively enhanced it to suit their needs.

Perhaps, as we listen to superstars less and to ordinary people more, the pressure to play like a superstar or not play at all will drop away and we'll reclaim the tradition of participatory music that we've been robbed of.

I had made the same mistake that many others make when looking beyond their own monkey circles - that even people with little education make rational decisions about their lives, they're not mindless machines pushing out kids because that's what tradition or society demands.

Tradition definitions


an inherited pattern of thought or action


a specific practice of long standing

See also: custom