Township in a sentence as a noun

My zip code was for the town next to the township I lived in.

Outside the town, most of the former township lies empty.

The township knows I work from home because the address for my business license is my home.

And I also have a cousin who did peace corps time in one of the South African townships in the early 80s.

In the 25 years that followed, they were able to celebrate the township's 25th anniversary of being ****** free.

They were a bit older, sophomores or juniors in HS, but it should be clear that local townships are not fans of micro entrepreneurs.

I think that because all of those activities create externalities that impose terrible costs on neighbors and on the whole township.

I had to pay my township for a zoning permit to have a home office... that is, a fee just to have a computer used for business inside a residence.

[0]Except for the thirteen original states, almost the entire country was surveyed and platted into square "townships" [1] of six miles a side.

The joke is that he is demanding a refund of his property taxes without any evidence or argument just as the township lawyer was also issuing merit-less demands.

One site needed a full solar installation because of proximity to a township where power theft was rampant meant electricity on the schools side was virtually never available.

My brother set up a lemonade stand on family property a few years back, and they didn't operate for more than an hour before they were visited by the township health inspector and, after they refused to move, the police.

Township definitions


an administrative division of a county; "the town is responsible for snow removal"

See also: town