Townsfolk in a sentence as a noun

Petition townsfolk to start class action sue pollutants. Hit where it hurts.

If the townsfolk get really angry and hit the streets -- only to have the cops **** a switch and make them all go back inside again? Then we're truly hosed.

Perhaps the townsfolk could bill for absent services? They are not peasants, as such things likely don't exist in modern Italy.

Through the years and hardships, the townsfolk seemed to be dwindling in numbers and there were not many left. My mother, Honey Nova was the leader of our people and a strong and kind woman.

Person X gangs up with other townsfolk to pay their private police force to strongarm industry Y into selling their air rights to a collective trust. 6.

The townsfolk are guilty of assault and battery, which are definitely illegal.

No matter what the FAA says about it, cities and towns have the authority to disallow them, and if the townsfolk are mad enough, they will.

To save the market from itself, to calm down the townsfolk brandishing pitchforks and torches, to assert central control over a proven grift. Time will tell if all these crypto kittens prove useful for more than fraud.

I can try to redeem myself in the eyes of my town by providing services to my townsfolk, slowly building up enough savings to perhaps move out of town. How about this: Some people like you, but not enough.

I don't like that your townsfolk will demand things that you can't provide, for example. You need to constantly juggle multiple cities, developing each in order to build a world rather than build a city.

I can try to redeem myself in the eyes of my town by providing services to my townsfolk, slowly building up enough savings to perhaps move out of town. I've tried my best to honestly answer your questions.

Even if the bar is the the de-facto "town square" of some isolated hamlet where the townsfolk routinely gather to discuss the issues of the day.

The townsfolk have a personal relationship with the person in charge of managing the information. From the end user's perspective this idea still seems as sensible today as it was then.

As long as a majority of its townsfolk approve of it. When it can be shown that their mascot is directly denying the life, liberty or pursuit of happiness of americans, this will be a valid conversation.

Back in my day, we had to get the local messenger to traverse the plains of ye olde England to give word to townsfolk when we had a contrarian point of view we wanted to express. Even then we were lucky; most other people were decried as heretics and publicly hanged.

After Enkidu showed up, he spent more time adventuring and fighting mythical creatures, instead of wrestling the townsfolk and enjoying the perks of prima nocta.

Imagine the Play Store as a castle which has both good townsfolk coming and going as well as being perpetually under siege by a malicious lord. Sometimes, the castle's defenses inadvertently prevent a townsperson from getting to market to sell their onions.

The gang gets every townsfolk to believe it is their duty to participate in this ritual. More importantly, through this propaganda, the gang is able to inculcate in the oppressed that they must shun and mock those that see through the whole charade and refuse to be enablers in this act of submission to the wills of the gang.

More appropriately, Religion is the rent-seeking landlord of the bookshop who skims all the profits, provides little to no value, and takes all the credit for the literacy of the townsfolk.

I count my lucky stars that I live in a predominantly ******* area in the country where law enforcement generally knows all the townsfolk and is quite friendly and helpful. > We are able to hold a pleasantly well-mannered exchange of view, in part due to the limitation on freedom of speech enforced both by moderation and downvoting.

I vividly remember playing one of the Shinobi games on the Sega Master system, and spent a huge amount of time wandering back and forth in the levels thinking about the townsfolk who occupied various buildings and their work days. There was also a mountain range in one of the backgrounds on one level, and I recall spending time planning to explore it later, even pausing the game to draw a map of an imagined village there.

Townsfolk definitions


the people living in a municipality smaller than a city; "the whole town cheered the team"

See also: town townspeople