Totality in a sentence as a noun

" Yes, but maybe not in the "totality of the truth is plain for all to see" perspective.

If you're going to judge, the least you can do is judge the man on the totality of his actions.

Many of us do respect him for the totality of what he was, not just what he was later in life.

But those inputs are the absolute lowest building block of the totality of input into our brain.

Just because it's a zero-sum game with respect to money doesn't mean it's a zero-sum game in totality.

No, he/she is saying that "average" is a poor metric to represent the totality of the samples.

Another way to say that is that the totality of content that is served from that single host is too large to put on a single machine.

Reaching that goal isn't necessarily the totality of fundraising, and sure doesn't mean the company/product won't be way more valuable at that point.

I'm pretty sure he would be against cryo:"Firmly restating his atheism, Banks spoke of his belief that death is an important 'part of the totality of life', to be treated realistically, not feared.

Indeed, when you consider the totality of the police surveillance that an even marginally-effective system would require, the very thought is horrifying.

You could play the "zoom in on one aspect and mock the idea it could be the cause" all day long with all sorts of little causes... but that would just be a rhetorical game trying desperately to avoid the totality of the situation which is clear as day.

I said this in the last thread and I'll say it again: if the full value of your work can be represented in totality as a string of ones and zeores, you must accept the reality that computers, the most ubiquitous machines on the planet, are all designed to push around ones and zeores.

The totality of the circumstances involved in your scheme will be used to make a case as to your interest in and promotion of piracy, much of which will involve trying to read your mind based on tea leaves like "what sites did you choose to run your ads on".Similarly, the DoJ is required to spend their time on cases they believe they can win.

Totality definitions


the state of being total and complete; "he read the article in its entirety"; "appalled by the totality of the destruction"

See also: entirety entireness integrality


the quality of being complete and indiscriminate; "the totality of war and its consequences"; "the all-embracing totality of the state"


the whole amount

See also: total aggregate