Topography in a sentence as a noun

Maps are all well and good, but what rules HST design is topography vs. budget.

"We have to solve the problem of topography vs. budget.

The sunset is going to be cooler and foggier than the Mission simply because of the topography.

My eariest memories are of the topography of the apartment we were living at the time.

I already use a mix of quads for topography, and companion collections of trail maps.

You could use ground topography to correct, but people working in midtown Manhattan skyscrapers would be a noisy signal, for example.

But that's not true in an aperiodic tiling, like a Penrose tiling, because the topography of the surrounding space changes all the time.

It would be interesting to have an underlay showing the topography so one can correlate features in the wind pattern with mountain ranges, etc.

> "It was on the road to holidays in Spain, and I have distinct memories of the topography of the apartment, the beach and the bay, and their relative positions.

Sure, you control the use of the particular piece of land, but if someone else wants to copy it by reshaping their own land to have the same topography as yours, you have no recourse.

Each screen reader gets a hold of the DOM through whatever ugly hacks, then renders your beautiful website with lovely topography into a flat, basically plaintext representation.

Topography definitions


the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features


precise detailed study of the surface features of a region