Tomboy in a sentence as a noun

If they want to be tomboy, that's cool.

My wife secretly detests pink and girly stuff and is/was a tomboy at heart.

I thought he was saying that people shouldn't try to get real, living and breathing girls to be tomboys.

I'm not even sure what you mean by "tomboy" as she was still a feminine character.

The whole point of Merida, and the reason our family has loved her, is that she's a tomboy.

The idea that a girl is a tomboy if she's not wearing a sparkly girdle and makeup is the problem.

This isn't saying that being stereotypically "girly" is bad, but that being a tomboy is.

The other part is that "tomboy" 1. exists and 2. is an insult, as if girls are "doing it wrong" if they like to play in the woods or throw cow **** on the grumpy neighbor.

"She has a ... sleek tomboy aesthetic: dark-wash jeans, clean-line crewnecks, and Chuck Taylors, with the occasional bomber jacket thrown on top.

"In this case it's regressive because Merida was originally a tomboy changed into the stereotype of a Disney Princess.

Tomboy definitions


a girl who behaves in a boyish manner

See also: romp hoyden