Titanic in a sentence as an adjective

"Anyone who thinks they know what's best for 300 million people is a titanic *******.

That would be idiocy and the person submitting the patches would probably be banned by Linus in his titanic rage.

I try to differentiate when I'm making decisions based on fact, or if I'm just trying to justify patching holes in the titanic.

> "The whole mission, however, depended on the titanic Saturn V rocket, a technology that is lost to the current generation.

Coal plants actually produce titanic amounts of radiation, vastly more than nuke plants, thanks to impurities in coal, and that radioactivity is going straight into the atmosphere [2].

When you recall their once-titanic power, their vicious business culture, their decade-long seizure and stagnation of the entire web, the way they openly eat their own with gusto, and the incalculable amounts of money and effort thrown into the boundless swamps of their fetid platforms, you realize that watching them tumble and smash on the rocks below is never, ever, ever going to get old.

Titanic definitions


of great force or power