Tilted in a sentence as an adjective

In fact, Soros won on a playing field tilted against him.

The video is zoomed, focused, and tilted to excess.

Apple's core philosophy has never tilted that way.

Because the market for skilled software folk is very much tilted in favor of employees right now.

Ah, please regale us with your tales of successfully combatting racism and evening a tilted playing field.

But as I read more, I discovered that the community seems pretty heavily tilted against monkey-patching now.

It's already rapidly going that way--the capability to profit is already wildly tilted toward firms that act at HFT volume.

He's very tall and his eyes go in two different directions so he looks down at you rather quizzically from two different angles with his head tilted like a bird.

And at that point the arrays installed will be fixed non tracking arrays tilted towards the equator at an angle calculated to get the maximum energy during the year.

Honestly, what you need is a different type than the strict Haskell list called a Rose Tree data Rose a = Leaf a | Branch [Rose a]\n\nwhich tells the compiler that you explicitly want arbitrary nesting.---LazinessAll of Haskell has default laziness and this means that your environment is fully tilted toward laziness.

One possibility is that we have reached a point where the barriers to entry in what would be the job creating sectors are being held artificially high by a combination of regulatory capture and a global intellectual property regime that is tilted towards incumbent rights owners and against new entrants.

Tilted definitions


departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal; "the leaning tower of Pisa"; "the headstones were tilted"

See also: atilt canted leaning tipped