Thriving in a sentence as an adjective

Google+ is thriving, but we decided to shut down Google+ Games.

Are they thriving on momentum alone?Which wins the race?

Portland's restaurant scene is thriving as ever, unless it's Subway you feel sorry for.

" Now it is a growing and thriving community of the new executive class.

Hey, moot!10% of people posting is actually exactly what you should expect in a thriving community.

He surely hoped that his son would be living independently and thriving by the son's current adult age. What I've learned about parenting after two decades is that parenting never completely ends.

" We have a huge, thriving, valuable, and quite reliable information infrastructure built out of incorrect programs.

The US backed militant jihadists when a movement usually known as "arab nationalism" was thriving in the region and had vast popular support.

But this state has a thriving private industry of drug treatment centers, drawing in people from all over the world who want to become clean, and responses to drug use often include judicially ordered drug treatment.

In order for Bitcoin to grow a thriving ecosystem, it apparently needs a US-based, VC-backed company that has “worked closely with banks and regulators to ensure that the service is safe and compliant”.This quote right here is the tell that tips the hand.

How many developers will be willing to accept that position?Do Google really think they can create a thriving ecosystem and market if they start throwing around inconsistent and conflicting rules and enforcement around apps?Yes, inconsistent enforcement sort of worked for Apple, but they at least had a coherent platform.

God is possible, ghosts are possible, flying spaghetti monsters are possible but until I see a video with convincing explanation or accredited scientists agree that something is very likely, is there really any point of just making up stuff?Mars having a thriving self-sustaining human-like civilization underground is possible.

Thriving definitions


very lively and profitable; "flourishing businesses"; "a palmy time for stockbrokers"; "a prosperous new business"; "doing a roaring trade"; "a thriving tourist center"; "did a thriving business in orchids"

See also: booming flourishing palmy prospering prosperous roaring