Threaten in a sentence as a verb

Are we clear?You get exactly one chance to threaten me.

I stopped lying, I stopped calling people names, or threatening to blow them up.

The problem is that it's stupid easy to threaten to **** people.

You threaten to file a charge back from your credit card company.

I think it's foolish, and needs to stop, but it doesn't threaten our freedom directly.

The first time it happens you'll be really upset and threaten to sue, and file a police report.

Look at the fact that they issued a record 10000+ 483s in 2011[9], which threaten a business with civil or criminal penalties.

Trolls do it backwards, they go out and find companies that are already producing it and then threaten them with forcing them to stop.

But, if his leaving threatens the company, you should probably reconsider firing him.

If you threaten to shoot up a school, even jokingly and totally within your rights, you will be incarcerated for half a year before your trial.

It is perfectly legal for them to threaten you with harsher legal penalties, and it is perfectly legal for you to say I need to speak with a lawyer before I make any decisions or say anything.

So 90% go to prison without a trial!It also must be very convenient that the US law is so complex now, and has gotten to the point where everyone can be incriminated with something, so basically the prosecutors can threaten just about anyone with at least a charge or two, if they want to.

And again are you sure you could have achieved a 100% of past results without him?> He actually threatens the company's success if I ever try to "sneak a move" on himWhy would you try to sneak a move past anyone who has as much to loose as you, or even if it was a fraction thereof?How does he threaten the company?Does he threaten to leave?

Threaten definitions


pose a threat to; present a danger to; "The pollution is endangering the crops"

See also: endanger jeopardize jeopardise menace imperil peril


to utter intentions of injury or punishment against:"He threatened me when I tried to call the police"


to be a menacing indication of something:"The clouds threaten rain"; "Danger threatens"