Threadbare in a sentence as an adjective

My wet piece of string is getting threadbare.

A threadbare shirt will make a threadbare quilt.

The two bedrooms consist of enough mattresses for us all on the floor, with threadbare blankets on top.

Lots of people make the mistake of assuming that James Cameron's movies will be undone by their threadbare plots.

All of this smacks of cover-up so that students cannot not see the desperately threadbare state of Darwin's knickers.

Analyses that repeat the post PC mantra in its various forms may be correct in doing so, but the mantra is getting threadbare.

I owned an Audiogalaxy shirt that was basically my favorite shirt in high school and I wore it until it was threadbare.

But now those claims about AI and psychology-in-general are clearly threadbare, since they have not yielded the promised fruits either in AI or in explaining human functions.

I'm the sort of guy who wears a t-shift in the winter and uses the skimpiest threadbare sheet in the 58F house at nighttime, and people always marvel about my "incredible metabolism" as I devour a whole pizza.

Obviously, these were societies with threadbare social fabric due to decades of political repression and economic mismanagement, but there's no ironclad rule that an otherwise stable country can't tip over with shocking speed.

Take the time to explain how your experiences abroad - even the short ones - helped you gain non-threadbare insights about that culture, which fully invalidate my disagreement above, rather than partake in purely intellectually-lazy flaming.

If I thought it were possible to implement something like a semiautomatic handgun ban, without unreasonably curtailing lawful self-defense and without doing our nation's already threadbare social fabric far more harm than the status quo, then it's not something to which I'd feel any need to object.

Threadbare definitions


repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"


having the nap worn away so that the threads show through; "threadbare rugs"