Thirst in a sentence as a noun

It can be worth even more if Larry Page is dying of thirst at the same time and starts a bidding war.

If they're guilty, they'll have a long time to be thirsty and hungry in prison, but there's a long way before that.

"We're like America, but with gays and healthcare and poutine and a thirst for hockey only blood can quench.

I really don't appreciate the media's blood thirst - the slayer of this and the killer of that.

Will people be paralyzed and dead of hunger and thirst holding their precious coins?

First, basic sensations of thirst and hunger amplify the sensation of fear.

Thirst in a sentence as a verb

It's the students who go to university because that's how they're told they will get good jobs, and not due to a thirst for learning.

Listen to yourself, constantly improve and have a thirst for knowledge and you will be a good anything, not just developer.

For example, a Coca Cola contains a ton of salt as well as sugar, so that your thirst is not quenched in the same way as drinking water.

Instead, addressing a problem water solves with, "The healthiest way to quench your thirst," shows what it can be used for and why it's a good solution for it.

Is the flowing script supposed to represent refreshment and thirst-quenching?A logo's primary purpose is to be immediately recognizable and indelibly associated with a brand.

Thirst definitions


a physiological need to drink

See also: thirstiness


strong desire for something (not food or drink); "a thirst for knowledge"; "hunger for affection"

See also: hunger hungriness thirstiness


feel the need to drink


have a craving, appetite, or great desire for

See also: crave hunger starve lust