Theater in a sentence as a noun

The TSA, which is pure theater in service of fear.

The fact that you can't falsely yell fire in a theater is a typical example.

The 'security theater' points that many of you make are valid.

Just bluster and theater in preparation for the next presidential race?I don't care.

The term "security theater" has been tossed around a lot, but I think it's pretty clearly coming to that.

All the security theater of the last 14 years has done is to decrease the security of the entire country.

Some of what people want is positive-sum: Books, aquariums, theater showings, even cars.

In this situation, a government contractor forced more security theater upon a country, with the only benefit of the entire charade going to their bottom line.

The many participants on HN who criticize TSA "security theater" as a meaningless reduction in the freedom of people who travel to the United States are right on the basic point.

You can't have the top of the line computer, screen, home theater, coffee grinder, washing machine, mattress, toilet seat, motorcycle, car, bike, camera, video camera, clothes, shoes, accessories and consider yourself frugal.

Yet I can use Facebook today to find out about meat specials at my butcher, or someone selling artisanal pickles, or a new theater company, or someone making custom knives as their hobby hoping to try to make a living doing it.

While it's encouraging to see such a thorough debunking of the latest security theater technology, it's always been security theater... Allow me a few quick anecdotes:My family is friends with a gentleman who was a green beret medic during Viet Nam, and later worked for the CIA.

Theater definitions


a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented; "the house was full"

See also: theatre house


the art of writing and producing plays

See also: dramaturgy dramatics theatre


a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"

See also: field theatre