Tetrapod in a sentence as a noun

But you're right, they rendered it as a tetrapod.

Yeah but regrowing limbs arrived after, it's built on top of their tetrapod ancestry.

The controlled use of fire surely pales in significance to our early tetrapod ancestors who learned to live on land.

I believe all of the immediate ancestors of and early tetrapods have been found in fresh water deposits, although I can't confirm.

But some tetrapods returned to the water, regaining that distinctly fishy attribute.

Thank you for suggesting the image search -- I had been imagining a castle-like wall, and seeing the stacked tetrapods [0] was really eye-opening.

Dinosaurs are part of the tetrapod clade, so I never expected "four-winged" to mean anything other than that the hind limbs and forelimbs are both feathered and used for flight.

My great-to-the-nth grandpappy didn't claw his slimy tetrapod *** out of the Devonian sea just so his no-good descendants could sit in a cube playing Farmville all day!

If you're a tetrapod the size of a mountain lion or even a bengal tiger, you can still have speed, agility, and the ability to spring, pounce, and grapple with the forepaws.

They did however looked remarkably like dolphins, which is interesting because like dolphins, ichthyosaurs are tetrapods that returned to the water.

Anthropocentric behavior typical precludes respect of life unless it’s cute and usually a tetrapod.

" And "Euteleostomi presents a cladistic view which includes the terrestrial tetrapods that evolved from lobe-finned fish".

You're correct, the immediate ancestors of tetrapods almost certainly lived in freshwater, as known intermediate fossils like titaalik were found in fresh water stream deposits[1].

"tetrapodization" probably refers to the large concrete "tetrapods" piled up along Japan's shorelines as a preventative measure against erosion.

If you lined up in a line by order of descent with ALL of your ancestors, including the ancestors no longer living, as you looked at each individual in the line you could say "He is the son of the father standing next to him," going back as far as you want, even hundreds of millions of years, and yet at some point in the deep past the ancestors would not look anything at all like "humans," or indeed even like mammals or like tetrapods.

Proper Noun Examples for Tetrapod

Tetrapods are not fish because they aren't aquatic, but whales are tetrapods which are aquatic, and I therefore declare them fish.

Tetrapod definitions


a vertebrate animal having four feet or legs or leglike appendages