Terrorization in a sentence as a noun

Seems like it's all part of the terrorization of the populace, of which this clothing is a symptom.

TSA is that, irrelevant, however it is a tool to instigate and keep alive terrorization. I was trying to explain why TSA is ineffective at the core for the purpose we think it and what the TSA guy could only be correct.

I wonder, would Israel face the violent opposition it faces today if Israel wasn’t founded through the terrorization of, extermination of, and colonization of the indigenous Palestinian people? It is well documented and widely accepted that groups like the Irgun and Haganah —- led by many of Israels most celebrated figures — resorted to terrorism and ******** to establish the supremacy of the Israelis.

Terrorization definitions


the act of inspiring with fear

See also: terrorisation frightening


an act of terrorism

See also: terrorisation