Terrifying in a sentence as an adjective

That's scary to some people, if not utterly terrifying. But it's the way forward.

What a sad and terrifying place America has become.

I'd say that's terrifying. Another thought: doesn't this make it possible to frame someone by writing random data to their hard drive?

This isn't even about what the risk is right now, though it's terrifying in comparison to where it was a month or two ago. It's about what happens two months from now.

Users of PGP/encryption products being singled out is terrifying. The sooner we have the whole world using decent encryption tools, the better.

However, the police's blatant incompetence came as a terrifying shock.

On to the main point: yeah, it is terrifying that large corporate cultures are that desperate for innovation. I feel like they suffer the same problem as command economies.

One thing I do remember distinctly about Glenn's time in the catalog department was this terrifying 60k Perl script I inherited from him called sitecounts. pl.

It creates an awesome/terrifying tool for everyone to use. X can be anything you like: terrorism, communism, whatever the du jour "War on &;&."

Their jobs have evolved to depend solely on finding 'infringement' wherever they can and then making it seem as terrifying as possible to the execs that employ them. These are the people responsible for outright lies such as "100 billion in lost revenue".

Also potentially terrifying: a facebook fortune telling engine. I bet they can predict your future with frightening accuracy, or they will be able to after another decade or so of data anyway.

I like the story, but I feel it's important to mention that the authors stated opinion on Karma is terrifying. Karma is essentially the worst sort of belief, in that superficially it seems to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior.

Finding people like Ryan to work with--- "sleepers" who don't have long track records of filing public vulnerabilities, but who are secretly terrifying killing machines --- is the single best thing about my job. Ryan found us on HN after beating the Stripe CTF. If you're like Ryan, ping me; I will go out of my way to make sure we tell you everything we can about why you should work with us.

Sure, iphones are really cool but this is a step in a terrifying direction. If it ever becomes illegal to upgrade the RAM in your laptop yourself or to install third party software on it then you can bet that you can trace the ancestry of those laws back to the shifts in public perception of computing freedom caused by companies like Apple.

What's amazing about this bug is that at every step you learn something that makes Pinkie Pie more terrifying while simultaneously making the Chrome security model sound more and more forbidding.

To me, this comes off as a desperate attempt to defame this movement because it threatens to demote the status of basic technology roles from "elite magic" to "basic literacy" -- and to some people, apparently that's not an amazing social good, but a terrifying prospect of power loss. Am I way off base here in perceiving this?

> To me, this comes off as a desperate attempt to defame this movement because it threatens to demote the status of basic technology roles from "elite magic" to "basic literacy" -- and to some people, apparently that's not an amazing social good, but a terrifying prospect of power loss. Am I way off base here in perceiving this?

Number-theoretic public-key crypto is terrifying. But then: Prefer conventional discrete-log-based systems over elliptic-curve systems; the latter have constants that the NSA influences when they can.

It's terrifying that they find this in most chemistry papers they analyse. Peter's group can analyse thousands or hundreds of thousands of papers an hour, automatically detecting errors and fraud and simultaneously making the data, which are facts and therefore not copyrightable, free.

The design choices that Blizzard made as a direct result of the auction house are both terrifying and a fantastic lesson for anyone in the startup world. As a direct result of making money off of the activities of people in the game, Blizzard made the following game inhibiting decisions: * Penalizing players for dying for longer and longer periods of time * Limiting in-game communication systems severely * Penalizing players for playing in groups I could go on, but the bottom line was this: Activision put profit over gameplay and burned one of the best franchises in the history of gaming for little profit.

Terrifying definitions


causing extreme terror; "a terrifying wail"

See also: terrific