Tensile in a sentence as an adjective

Diaphragm pumps, ball and socket joints, pinned joints, tensile supports.

The only way that floor cantilevers out is through a lot of both tensile and compressive strength.

We could debate about how you measure impact force, but most folks in this hobby read it to mean "tensile" strength.

Everything you said is true, but high tensile strength carbon composites have come a long way since the 90s.

But something like steel has almost symmetric response between tensile and compressive loads].OK...what else can we do?

[As a sidenote, bricks can take great compressive forces but can't withstand tensile forces of similar levels.

Legos are also similar to unreinforced concrete in their tensile strength, which is low, variable, and brittle.

The Ringworld only requires such enormous tensile strength because it's spun to produce gravity on the interior surface.

Assuming that the metal's tensile strength is sufficient post printing, this sidesteps a huge barrier to amateurs making liquid/gaseous fueled engines.

The maximum angular velocity is unfortunately bounded above by the tensile strengths of materials.

Proper Noun Examples for Tensile

Tensile strength and Ultimate tensile strength are the actual parameters you want to look it for such road materials and certainly not hardness.

Tensile definitions


of or relating to tension; "tensile stress"; "tensile pull"


capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out; "ductile copper"; "malleable metals such as gold"; "they soaked the leather to made it pliable"; "pliant molten glass"; "made of highly tensile steel alloy"

See also: ductile malleable pliable pliant tractile