Tenancy in a sentence as a noun

Multi-tenancy brings an economy of scale that allows you to keep good margins while being cheaper than hosting it yourself.

The landlord was insolvent, bank repossessed, my tenancy agreement was declared void because landlord hadn't sought permission to let it out from the bank.

They manage the common property, services and insurance for a building where there is a tenancy-in-common situation, like a condominium.

On the one hand, you can easily imagine mechanisms where allowing widespread commercial short term tenancy in your building would increase crime rates and put your own self and property at risk.

If any of those factors doesn't hold, there will be no such "guardians".For example, I am sure it is not possible in Germany because tenancy contracts that include short-notice eviction clauses are void.

Most benchmarks show a "regular" recent-gen Intel CPU performing around 5x-10x the Atom, so if you're CPU-limited, even a low-end VPS that gives you an average of 1/4 share of a core will probably outperform sole tenancy on an Atom core.

Another interesting observation I've experienced is that performance consistency often declines using multi-EBS volume raid, likely due to variations in spindle tenancy or network latency variations.

Tenancy definitions


an act of being a tenant or occupant

See also: occupancy