Tenability in a sentence as a noun

And because, somehow, there is broad agreement on the dollar's tenability, it works so well.

In fact, there are huge problems with current retirements systems and doubts of its future tenability precisely because of this scheme.

Political tenability is a problem for politicians, but that is of zero consequence.

I believe the tenability of your scheme varies from "unpossible" to "suitable for sites with such low traffic that the sysadmin can manually verify every login".

Nevertheless, the tenability of that interpretation was previously unknown and this paper highlights exactly what is necessary for an epistemic interpretation of the wavefunction.

> allow racists to explain their ideas and positions and the tenability of their position will be exposed for the naked fear and hatred that it isPeople are pretty susceptible to passionate speech by charismatic figures; much more susceptible, in fact, than they are to facts.

While the second one is much worseIt may be "worse" in a variety of senses, like political tenability, but the solution is simple: bring data given to third parties under the 4th Amendment, which is the entire underpinning of companies being able to give your packets to the government willy-nilly.

" I have long believed that the best way to eradicate racism is to allow racists and anti-racists to have open Lincoln-Douglas style debates on college campuses: allow racists to explain their ideas and positions and the tenability of their position will be exposed for the naked fear and hatred that it is.

Without algebra, people could not evaluate even at a broad level the tenability of a scientific or technical claim, they would be denied any form of meaningful understanding of probability, algorithms, complexity, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, even linguistics has deep roots in algebraic notions.

Tenability definitions


the quality of being plausible or acceptable to a reasonable person; "he questioned the tenability of my claims"

See also: reasonableness tenableness