Temporality in a sentence as a noun

Yes, SQL's biggest weakness is time and temporality.

Seems to be avoiding the intended topic: scope and its temporality

I like the visual cues, permissions management and temporality while using the browser for low trust or low value add content.

It happens in minor monopolies, which are exploitable best at small scale, like location or temporality.

In my view, the position "get a lot more cautious about source vs. derived data" sort of is a mystery .. and I can only see one thing: temporality.

> temporality will become important as well because it matters how information changes over time.

Reminds me much of the philosopher Fredric Jameson's notion that modern culture basically exemplifies the end of temporality.

You made a breath-taking leap going from {our society isn't as dependent on planting and harvesting anymore} to {therefore it's "probably best" to radically alter universal concepts of temporality to partially solve an obscure technical problem}.

Why would mental illness, temporary or any other temporality, be reason to eliminate any value in categorizing the specifics of the behavior as racist?If not all racism, maybe some racism could be a symptom of mental illness?

Temporality definitions


the worldly possessions of a church

See also: temporalty