Temperament in a sentence as a noun

The PR manager showed she did not have the right temperament or skillset for the job.

Wow, that's some dedication and calls for a very difficult temperament and set of skills.

I personally do not mind levying tons of taxes to level the playing field, but that's probably just my temperament.

True, some have the temperament and luck to scale the greasy pole of "success", but many others don't -- or choose to focus their energies elsewhere.

The man who is clever and lazy however is for the very highest command; he has the temperament and nerves to deal with all situations.

Because option deals are created at the start of employment they require a lot of faith on the part of the founder, who does not know the employee's abilities or temperament.

His education, temperament and girlfriend don't matter but his political persecution surely does.

Pre-trial opinions are specifically designed to inform the two parties of the judge's current temperament.

Ultimately long-term weight loss is a complex matter of psychology, motivation, habits, and indeed personal temperament and genetic baggage.

Those of a temperament for politics, and who find themselves living in places where local politics are other than an Augean stable of gerrymandering and nest-feathering, might be well advised to involve themselves.

"it doesn't take much in the way of skill to be a truck driver"It's harder than you'd think to do a perfect 90 degree backup of a full-size semi into a loading dock without jackknifing, or to develop the temperament to pay attention to a boring stretch of highway for 8 hours at a time.

Temperament definitions


your usual mood; "he has a happy disposition"

See also: disposition


excessive emotionalism or irritability and excitability (especially when displayed openly)


an adjustment of the intervals (as in tuning a keyboard instrument) so that the scale can be used to play in different keys