Tears in a sentence as a noun

We pushed the news via automation, blood, sweat, and tears to the people.

Creative effort - or at at least any that is truly worthy of the name - takes tears, and sweat, and blood.

I just hope you can finish your work before our shitty, myopic, destructive society tears you down.

When I first watched the video, it brought tears to my eyes and I try to remember that so I don't get desensitized to the magnitude of these revelations.

When I started my work at SpaceX, one of the engineers told me to prepare to shed some blood and tears as well as prepare for the most stressful yet rewarding work of your life.

Obscure books and songs?> Has a habit of boring people to tears explaining something tangentially related to the news, such as the cockpit layout of the Airbus 330No.

203 votes - How I learned my 6 year old daughter how to \n do high algorithm trading in Haskell\n \n 1 hour later, 421 votes, Your children should be outside\n playing, not coding\n\nThat brought me to tears

"We believe these changes will also help prevent a fire resulting from an extremely high speed impact that tears the wheels off the car, like the other Model S impact fire, which occurred last year in Mexico.

The anti-tivoization provisions that the FSF was talking about more than a decade ago, and that appeared in a usable license almost 6 tears ago, would absolutely have had a place in preventing this nonsense.

One time pulling the car over to the side of a busy highway and making me promise, promise, I'd never roll D&D dice and risk letting Satan into my heart - tears streaming down her face while she shook like a leaf -- because I might commit ******* when the game is over.

And, if you think that a person who goes bankrupt because they can no longer charge for their work isn't harmed, you need a new definition of "harm".One more thing: saying - as you do - that "it's just a bunch of ones and zeroes" to a person who may have sweated blood and tears for years to produce the arrangement that actually attracted your attention is just awful.

Tears definitions


the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds); "I hate to hear the crying of a child"; "she was in tears"

See also: crying weeping