Tamper in a sentence as a noun

It seems that he's talking about password hashing:> "Hashes are designed to be tamper-proof".

> Ultimately, Tesla service applied non-tamper tape to the fuse switch.

While I love wildlife, I almost feel like it's not our responsibility as humans to tamper with natural processes like extinction.

Recently we wrote a bespoke proxy to rip apart a custom encrypted protocol, tamper with messages, and cobble it back together again.

What is the world GDP impact of trying to overcome the incompatibilities of IE?And they have tried to tamper with my individual rights to use the computing platform I choose.

Tamper in a sentence as a verb

The basic idea is to store the private key in the tamper-resistant hardware, along with a microprocessor to perform the basic encryption options you need.

The track record of your underlying argument --- that Congress should keep its hands off X or Y or Z, because it has no enumerated power to tamper with it --- is not encouraging.

First off, there's a whole school and practice of security measures which is aimed more at revealing breaches than in preventing them, per se. Audits, tamper-evident seals, tell-tales placed in maps, watermarks in documents or images, and very large swaths of system monitoring, reporting, and alerting.

Tylenol, 7 people died in an isolated area, and the response was national legislation and money and materials spent tamper-proofing every drug made since then.

I know that this will remain at the bottom of this thread, because it doesn't have enough conspiracy theory in it, but does anyone really think that this is actual vote tampering?I mean, why on earth would you tamper with a voting machine so that it stuffs the ballot, but have it update the UI so that the user can see and report the error?

Tamper definitions


a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)

See also: tamp


play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly; "Someone tampered with the documents on my desk"; "The reporter fiddle with the facts"

See also: fiddle monkey


intrude in other people's affairs or business; interfere unwantedly; "Don't meddle in my affairs!"

See also: meddle