Tactlessness in a sentence as a noun

How do you define degree of tactlessness? It was so nice of him to call that website 'ugly'.

I don't quite see where you have found incoherency or tactlessness in this rant. On the other hand, there's no substance in the text, and this may be why I don't see either of those.

You suggest tactlessness should be dropped. But plain language is almost by definition tactless.

Well, the best you can say about Larry Summers' tactlessness is that it's equal opportunity. And, is that the Winklesvosses in that photo?

It should just be called tactlessness or rudeness. For example, coworkers at my last job made jokes about cops pulling over and harassing in front of black employees.

But it's hard to ignore the utter tactlessness of stating you're happy a recently departed individual is gone. And you could also argue that Jobs pushed the state of our art.

It could be both incompetent management and tactlessness and strategic ineptitude on the tech leads part.

After Seinfeld's use it became a humorous euphemism for cheapness and tactlessness.

> This would predict that being tactless and accepting tactlessness from others are strongly correlated. This is because most of us will try to understand other people from their own perspectives.

The tactlessness has no relationship with the underlying honesty of the goal, though it makes the communication itself less honest.

So you don't have a problem correlating high marks with "lack of team work, communication skills, tactlessness, gigantic egotism, etc etc" yet you have a problem with NVidia correlating high marks with good devs? The brightest kids I knew got 80% without trying.

Isn’t tactlessness sometimes a function of ignorance, not necessarily lack of compassion? Some people make a distinction between critique and criticism, and this distinction may come down to tact?

Most language fail to gain traction for reasons that don't have anything to do with the design of the language itself--even "petty" ones, such as the tactlessness of the people in charge. I don't want to use a technology which few other people use and which has, in my estimation, an unpromising future.

The tactlessness, the arrogance, the naivety, and immaturity were so concentrated in a single sentence that I wish I could have left. But I stayed and learned even if that tribalism is toxic and wins no friends nor understanding nor ultimately progress.

Yes, this thread is very much about "Dustin is an ***", and rightfully so - the first blog post is long over, and now we get to address the aftermath of Dustin's tactlessness. It's entirely valid to, at this point, point out how the lack of civility and the hostile tone contributed to solving no problems at all - it's a lesson we can all take home."

It bothers me that one tactless moment from Clinton seems to get more attention than a lifetime of tactlessness from Trump. The guy openly insults anybody who doesn't unconditionally support him, but Clinton has one quotable moment of frustration and it's all of the sudden the evidence we need that politics isn't polite anymore?

Although there are differences between military and civilian communication styles, tactlessness ain't it.

This would predict that being tactless and accepting tactlessness from others are strongly correlated. I don't think they're that strongly correlated, and the correlation that exists may just come from the fact that people with both no-tact filter and high intolerance of tactlessness are so undesirable to work with that you won't find them in many populations due to selection.

Tactlessness definitions


the quality of lacking tact