Tactfulness in a sentence as a noun

I'd really rather not get into a huge conflict about the tactfulness of his answer, though.

It just takes good wording and replying to the right post-- essentially what's required in real life: timing and tactfulness.

Maybe the issue is with the tactfulness of the communication as opposed to the message itself?

Couth and tactfulness have given way to entitlement and postmodernism in the modern work culture.

Because if you measure the tactfulness of any member of the powerset of S where I personally am present it will generally show less tact than members of the powerset where I am not present.

It requires a unique and appropriate response to the current environment, and having been in that age group once myself, I can say it's not, generalizations aside, an uncommon deficiency....anyway I'm sure all of us here are stellar examples of tactfulness...

Or will they perceive your confidence as egotism, your assertiveness as an issue with authority, and your knowledge as incompetence?The correct answer varies based on the interviewer's personality and your tactfulness, but realistically you need to either stand your ground or walk away.

Tactfulness definitions


consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense

See also: tact