Tacky in a sentence as an adjective

This feels tacky. Discussion of the black bar.

Over time, the beach has gotten tacky. Big billboards.

It was a bit tacky that YC removed AirBnB's name from the title of the original story.

And the post-death messages that they like Ikea, or Chipotle, which are spooky, weird and tacky, all at once.

- trading off of someone-else's brand is kind of tacky.

Right, because nobody ever made fart apps and other tacky **** in objective c.

Honestly, I find pitching this service on the day of the news that Posterous is shutting down to be kind of tacky. I'm not trolling or trying to be negative...

It has the exact same elements in the exact same places, except Winamp looks like a tacky GTK+ theme. * I couldn't figure out how to hide "Genre", which I strongly dislike, and "Year", which I don't care about.

The reason I'm skeptical is that it seems such a fashionable wall to hit that it's almost tacky. Which I admit is not a valid reason to be skeptical.

It looks way less tacky than their old watermark. In fact, it actually makes the photos look better compared to the old watermark and others' watermarks.

I honestly can't believe something this tacky would end up in a presentation. Is this supposed to be propaganda?

I think this is cheap and tacky on the part of Wikileaks. Regardless of whether Aaron was or wasn't a source for them, they're trying to take some of the widespread positive public sentiment towards Aaron for their own cause.

Doing all of this took about 30 minutes, doesn't do anything to make my phone look 'tacky', and had no issues at all. Can't believe I havn't been doing this since the day I got my 4S. I had previously tried using some of these apps on my 3G but it was pretty slow.

But making a big deal out of being some kind of ux hero is pretty tacky. At the end of the day, no matter how small you are you're still a commercial enterprise gaining benefit at another commercial enterprise's expense.

I'm also glad that there are ticky-tacky neighborhoods with HOA's in towns with strict zoning, so you and I won't have to be neighbors. I also can't think of a reason why I should fear for my children's safety if my neighbor had one of these in his driveway.

I personally hated the disorganization and tacky pages on networks like MySpace.

Sure, their skeumorphism can be tacky, but it's never slapdash. Their apps always run at the highest framerates, and their touch interactions and animations have always been tweaked to a level that their competitors can't match.

To me, them being tacky capitalist sex shopping centres is preferable to being underground, dingy and dangerous. Trafficking and exploitation is definitely a problem but I'm not sure if the law change from 2001 has made matters worse or better.

I'm not sure if that's because they'd feel it's tacky or if it's because it has been drilled into everyone from corporate culture that you _never_ talk about it. As an aside, I would actually much rather know not what the guys I've been working alongside for the past decade are making compared to me, but what new hires in the same positions as us are being hired at.

I think the point that an uncustomized Bootstrap looking just as tacky as a plain html site is only true for people who hang around on HN or similar sites and so see many different sites using Bootstrap. For your average Joe on the internet, a Bootstrap-ped site will look much more professional and less tacky than a plain html site.

His buildings -- rendered in three dimensions, out of actual materials on actual sites -- are tacky-feeling, hollow-sounding monstrosities: dank where they should be airy, glaring where they should be shady, completely disconnected from their environments, and not remotely conducive to work or socialisation or rest or any other purpose that humans might want to put a building towards. But ****, they look great on paper, and that's what counts, right?

Tacky definitions


(of a glutinous liquid such as paint) not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch; "tacky varnish"


tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"